Quarantine Quandaries

Daycare workers and teachers are motherfucking saints.

Toddlers resist all forms of sleep, especially nap time.

I haven’t breathed in someone’s cigarette smoke for weeks.

Mornings are much better when you’re not rushing your kids out the door/looking for a lost shoe.

My kids are sweet and smart and funny.

Also, they love to fight.

It’s hard not to eat your feelings.

I can work out in my basement, but need a better workout playlist.

We’re very fortunate to have the technology to stay connected.

This is the most times I’ve ever walked around our neighbourhood.

We are always interrupting dog nap time.

2 people working from home full time is hard.

Being there for the kids and keeping them safe is not.

I don’t miss the commute.

Baking relieves much of my stress, and is delicious.

Going to the bathroom is now rarely a solitary activity.

I always have to share my breakfast…and my lunch.

I miss my coworkers, and wearing my nice-ish office clothes.

I get more hugs and extra cuddles when I seem upset than I would at the office.

Stay home now, so one day we won’t have to.

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